Friday, February 18, 2011

Blog-Backlog_Day Twelve _A

A Rain Thames tour to the Prime Meridian

The Thames Rive tour, calling it a cruise is mildly over stating... was a tad underwhelming. It would have made more sense earlier in the trip, why would we want to see the out side of buildings from the water when we've already been inside, it was slightly counter-intuitive. Never the less it was a nice little sight seeing outing. The highlight of the tour, was Emily telling me about a show curated by Simon Starling, an artist whose work I enjoy in both practice and concept (and less so by what is actually produced...but that goes with the territory of concept based work...) so seeing his hand at curating sounded perfect.

Its really interesting to see the personification of measurable time, a man made construct that is universally agreed upon, in one way or another, for the world to operate on a global scale.

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